St. Andrew’s eNews

November 28, 2023


What’s Happening

Tuesday, 11/28 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer

Tuesday, 11/28 at 3 pm -  Bible Study with the Rector

Wednesday,11/29 at 11 am - Holy Eucharist

Sunday, 12/3 at 8 am and 10 am - Holy Eucharist - Advent

Sunday, 12/3 at 9 am - Sunday School and Book Study - Nursery provided

Monday, 12/4 at noon - Knitters

Tuesday, 12/5 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer

Tuesday, 12/5 at 3 pm - Book Study - The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis

Coming up:

Sunday, 12/17 at -10 am Lessons & Carols (8:00 and 10:00 congregations worship together at 10:00)

Thursday, 12/21 at 5:30 pm - Solstice: The Longest Night

Sunday, 12/24 at 8 am and 10 am - Advent 4 Sunday Morning Services

Sunday, 12/24 at 8 pm - Christmas Eve Service

Monday, 12/25 at 10 am - Christmas Day Service followed by Christmas Brunch

Tuesday Book Study

Beginning December 5, Laura+ will be leading a study of C. S. Lewis’ popular book, The Great Divorce. A few copies are available for purchase from Laura+. The book is also available online at Amazon. Alternatively, Port Book and News May be able to get it for you.

From the book flyleaf:

In The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis again employs his formidable talent for fable and allegory. The writer finds himself in Hell boarding a bus bound for Heaven. The amazing opportunity is that anyone who wants to stay in Heaven can. This is the starting point for an extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, grace and judgment. Lewis’s revolutionary idea is the discovery that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. In Lewis’s own words, “If we insist on keeping Hell (or even Earth) we shall not see Heaven: if we accept Heaven we shall not be able to retain even the smallest and most intimate souvenirs of Hell.”

Centering Prayer

Tuesdays at 2:00

Please join us in the sanctuary for a time of quiet meditation.

2023 Donations and 2024 Pledges

In December, we’ll send individual reports of your donations for 2023. This is for information only for you to see what you have donated to St. Andrew’s January through November in 2023.

It is not too late to turn in a pledge card for your 2024 donations. Pledge cards are very beneficial to our treasurer in planning our financial future of the coming year. Not sure what amount to pledge? Don’t worry about it. Pledge low, then surprise us with an extra donation for the ministries of St. Andrew’s.

Many thanks to each and every one for your contributions, participation, and presence at St. Andrew’s. We are part of Christ’s body made up of many parts.

For just as the body is one and has many members,

and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 

For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body

—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—

and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Ways to Worship with Us

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at the Lord's Table. For those who cannot attend in person, the service is offered via livestream on our Facebook page or anytime on our website.

  • St. Andrew’s Sunday Worship - 8 am and 10 am. Sunday School (all ages) at 9 am. Nursery care available.

  • In Forks at St. Swithin's -  Each Sunday at 2:30 pm - We meet at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church for Holy Eucharist or Prayer.

  • Mid-week Worship Service each Wednesday in person at 11 am.

    If you need assistance in accessing our worship services, please contact our office 360-457-4862.

St. Andrew’s Website