St. Andrew’s eNews

February 20, 2024

Lent 2024

Bishop Skelton offers her reflections and invitations to a holy Lent.

Lent 2024: A Message from Bishop Skelton

"But on Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent, we get to gaze at something else, the fallen tree becoming a new thing, the mystery of Jesus, and the mystery of our own lives that we call the Paschal mystery."

What’s Happening

Tuesday, 2/20 at 2 pm - Centering Prayer in your own space

Tuesday, 2/20 at 3 pm -  Bible Study with the Rector

Wednesday, 2/21 at 11 am - Holy Eucharist

Thursday, 2/22 at 5 pm - Evening Prayer

Thursday, 2/22 at 5:30 pm - Lenten Soup Supper

Sunday, 2/25 at 9 am - Sunday School and Nursery

Sunday, 2/25 at 8 am and 10 am - Service of Holy Eucharist  - Nursery provided

Today the competition is fierce between Henry Muhlenberg and Albert Schweitzer.

Muhlenberg’s “significant accomplishments include the creation of the first Lutheran synod in America, known as the Pennsylvania Ministerium. He was successful in writing a uniform liturgy for Lutheran churches. Of equal significance, in 1761 the church constitution he penned was accepted, and his hymnal followed in 1786.”

Schweitzer also had many significant accomplishments albeit in different fields than Muhlenberg. After studying medicine, he published his medical dissertation on “The Psychiatric Study of Jesus.” Then, in 1913, he and his wife journeyed to Africa where they treated patients suffering from leprosy, malaria, yellow fever, smallpox, dysentery, and other maladies. Albert wrote prolifically about his experiences, research, and studies in philosophy, theology and music.  He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1952.

Be sure to check out the Lent Madness bracket hanging in the narthex. It lists all the saints who are competing this year. See who the winners are, then take a look at the website and read about some saints.  

(Information about today’s saints was found at

Centering Prayer

Tuesday at 2:00

Will you be in town today? Consider spending some time in quiet communion with Gad as part of your Lenten observance. In the nave at 2 pm.

Tuesday Rector’s Bible Study

All are invited to the church library for a discussion of the Sunday readings.

2nd Annual St. Andrew’s Bowling Tournament

A successful and fun-filled time was had by more than 20 St. Andrew’s people ages 2 - 100! More news in the the March edition of the Call newsletter.

Ways to Worship with Us

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at the Lord's Table. For those who cannot attend in person, the service is offered via livestream on our Facebook page or anytime on our website.

  • St. Andrew’s Sunday Worship - 8 am and 10 am. Sunday School (all ages) at 9 am. Nursery care available.

  • In Forks at St. Swithin's -  Each Sunday at 2:30 pm - We meet at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church for Holy Eucharist or Prayer.

  • Mid-week Worship Service each Wednesday in person at 11 am.

    If you need assistance in accessing our worship services, please contact our office 360-457-4862.

St. Andrew’s Website